10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

Learn Tenor Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

You will learn about different vocal warm-up exercises for tenor singers.
– Lip trill, sirens, humming, tongue trill, and yawn-sigh are some effective tenor vocal warm-up exercises.
– “Gee” and “Guh,” “Nay” and “Noo,” and other vowel-based exercises are essential for tenor vocal warm-ups.

For tenors, the brilliance and agility of their voice type are their hallmarks, making it essential to maintain their vocal health and prowess through effective and consistent warm-up routines. Vocal warm-ups are not merely an optional prelude to singing; they are crucial for ensuring vocal longevity and enhancing performance quality. This guide offers ten foundational tenor vocal warm-up exercises, each with examples, to help tenors prepare their voices for the demands of performance and practice.

1. Lip Trill

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

The lip trill, sometimes known as the lip buzz, is an exceptional starter exercise for tenors. This warm-up gently engages the vocal cords and encourages relaxed breathing, which is vital for high-range singing.

How to Perform:
1. Take a deep breath and release it steadily, blowing air through closed lips to create a buzzing sound.
2. As you buzz, glide up and down your range to stretch the vocal cords.

Insider Tip: Keep the trill light and consistent by not pushing too much air. The focus should be on smooth transitions across your range.

2. Sirens

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

Sirens are a dynamic tenor vocal warm-up that covers the entire vocal range, resembling the sound of an ambulance siren.

How to Perform:
1. Start with a comfortable low note and slide up to the highest note you can comfortably reach.
2. Then, slide back down to your starting pitch.
3. This can be done on an “oo” vowel for a more focused sound.

Insider Tip: Ensure that the transition between the head and chest voice is smooth, which helps in blending the vocal registers.

3. Humming

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

Humming is a gentle and effective warm-up that resonates the voice and prepares the vocal tract.

How to Perform:
1. Keep your lips closed and teeth slightly apart.
2. Hum across your range on different pitches, feeling the buzz in the mask of your face (the area around the nose and cheeks).

4. Tongue Trill

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

The tongue trill, similar to the lip trill, is excellent for relaxing the tongue and throat muscles.

How to Perform:
1. Roll your Rs as you would in Spanish, and sustain this rolling on different pitches.
2. Move up and down your range to stretch and relax the muscles.

5. Yawn-Sigh

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

The yawn-sigh is a soothing exercise that releases tension and opens up the voice.

How to Perform:
1. Simulate a yawn, feeling the stretch in your throat.
2. On a sigh, release the yawn on a descending pitch, allowing the voice to relax.

Personal Experience with Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

As a professional tenor singer, I have found that vocal warm-up exercises are essential for maintaining vocal health and improving performance. One particular exercise that has worked wonders for me is the “Yawn-Sigh” technique.

Finding Relief with the Yawn-Sigh Technique

Before incorporating the Yawn-Sigh into my warm-up routine, I often struggled with vocal tension and a limited vocal range. However, after learning about the Yawn-Sigh exercise and integrating it into my daily practice, I noticed a significant improvement in my vocal flexibility and overall relaxation.

By engaging in the Yawn-Sigh exercise, I was able to release tension in my throat and expand my vocal range, allowing me to tackle challenging pieces with greater ease and confidence. This exercise not only helped me warm up my voice effectively but also served as a valuable tool for vocal maintenance and injury prevention.

Incorporating personal anecdotes and experiences into vocal warm-up routines can help individuals relate to the exercises and understand their practical benefits.

6. Gee and Guh

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

The “Gee” and “Guh” sounds help with articulation and resonance placement.

How to Perform:
1. Sing a series of “Gee” sounds on a comfortable five-note scale up and down.
2. Repeat using “Guh” to engage the back of the tongue and throat.

Insider Tip: The “G” consonant should be light and gentle to avoid vocal strain.

7. Nay and Noo

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

The nasal consonants in “Nay” and “Noo” are excellent for enhancing resonance and forward placement.

How to Perform:
1. Sing “Nay” on an ascending and descending five-note scale.
2. Do the same with “Noo,” ensuring clarity and brightness in the tone.

8. Gug and Gag

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

These guttural sounds can be particularly beneficial for tenor voices, engaging the lower laryngeal muscles.

How to Perform:
1. Sing “Gug” on a comfortable pitch, emphasizing the “g” sound.
2. Repeat with “Gag,” being mindful of keeping the throat open and relaxed.

9. Gee and Guh with a Vowel

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

Combining consonants with vowels allows for more complex articulation practice.

How to Perform:
1. Sing a “Gee” followed by a vowel (e.g., “Gee-ah,” “Gee-ee,” “Gee-eye,” etc.) on a five-note scale.
2. Repeat the process with “Guh” and different vowels.

10. Nay and Noo with a Vowel

10 Vocal Warm-Ups for Tenors (With Examples)

Incorporating vowels with “Nay” and “Noo” can further enhance vocal flexibility and resonance.

How to Perform:
1. Sing “Nay” followed by a vowel on a five-note scale.
2. Do the same with “Noo,” feeling the forward placement of the sound.


Consistency in performing these tenor vocal warm-up exercises can lead to significant improvements in vocal range, stamina, and overall performance. Remember, warming up is not just about hitting the right notes; it’s about preparing your instrumentyour voicefor the work ahead. Each of these exercises serves a distinct purpose, from relaxation to strengthening, and should be performed with care and attention to technique.

Tenors are encouraged to explore these exercises as part of their daily routine, adapting them to their specific vocal needs and challenges. By incorporating a variety of warm-ups, tenors can ensure a comprehensive vocal workout that addresses all aspects of their singing voice.

For additional vocal warm-up resources and techniques, be sure to explore the following links:
Best Vocal Warm-Ups
K-Pop Singers’ Warm-Ups
Basic Warm-Up Techniques

Whether you’re a seasoned performer or a beginner, taking the time to warm up your voice with these ten exercises will help you sing with more ease, power, and longevity. Remember, a well-cared-for voice is a tenor’s greatest asset on stage and in the studio.


Who should do tenor vocal warm-ups?

Tenor vocal warm-ups are designed for tenor singers who want to prepare their voice for singing.

What are the benefits of tenor vocal warm-ups?

Tenor vocal warm-ups help to prevent vocal strain, improve vocal range, and enhance overall vocal performance.

How can I do tenor vocal warm-ups effectively?

To do tenor vocal warm-ups effectively, start with breathing exercises, then move on to scales and vocal exercises.

What if I don’t have much time for warm-ups?

Even a short five-minute warm-up can make a difference in preparing the tenor voice for singing.

How often should a tenor do vocal warm-ups?

Tenors should do vocal warm-ups before each practice session or performance to ensure vocal readiness.

What if I feel silly doing vocal warm-ups?

Remember that vocal warm-ups are essential for maintaining vocal health and improving performance, so it’s worth feeling a little silly for the benefits they provide.

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